(ReliableNews.org) – On May 19, President Joe Biden gave a commencement address to the graduating class of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. In his speech, he congratulated the graduates and shared some words on a variety of subjects. Morehouse is an all-male predominantly black college and Biden addressed some issues they face and have faced in America. At least one person, who wasn’t in attendance, claimed the president was a “race-baiter.”
What Happened?
NY resident Lou Valentino told “Fox & Friends” that Biden was “trying to set [the graduates] back.” He said the president should’ve gotten up there, congratulated and encouraged them to hit the world running — “kill it.” Business owner Ajay Brewer accused the Democrats of “pandering” to the black community by selling “victimhood,” which he equated to a drug. The host then asked another business owner, Bernadette Wright, what she thought of parts of Biden’s speech. She agreed with Valentino’s sentiment, stating that the black community needs someone who can lead from the middle, stating that politicians don’t even know the community anymore. She added that Democrats won’t automatically vote for them anymore because America is changing.
During his speech, Biden spoke about the impact Dr. Martin Luther King’s death had on him as a young attorney fresh out of college and the deaths of his wife, daughter, and son — his darkest days. He also talked about how he met his current wife, which helped heal him and led to brighter days. The president tied those dark days to what the graduates have been through in just four short years, about the struggles of black men, and vowed to keep fighting for their futures. He also said extremists in America don’t include black men in the future of America, but stated “they were wrong,” adding the graduates will be among those that lead the nation. Outside of the few who turned their backs on the president to protest the Israel/Hamas war, Biden’s words of hope were met with applause.
Support for President
During the “Fox & Friends” discussion, statistics regarding support for each presumptive presidential candidate appeared on the screen. It showed Biden with 72% of support from black voters as of May vs. 79% in October 2020. The stats also showed where it claimed former President Donald Trump stood with the community — 23% support in May vs. 14% support in October 2020.
On May 20, the Pew Research Center reported that 77% of black voters surveyed said they would vote for Biden, while 18% said they would cast their ballot for Trump.
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