Steve Bannon Ordered to Prison While Appealing Jan. 6 Conviction

( – Steve Bannon once served in former President Donald Trump’s White House as a senior advisor. He resigned from the administration in August 2017 and went on to host a successful podcast. Now, he’s headed to prison.

On June 6, US District Judge Carl Nichols ordered Bannon to report to prison by July 1. The former presidential advisor was sentenced to four months in prison in 2022 after being found guilty of contempt of Congress. The case stems from the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill. The select committee ordered him to testify about his involvement but he refused. That led to the charges and his ultimate conviction.

Bannon’s sentence was put on hold while appealed the verdict. In May, a three-judge appeals panel on the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected Bannon’s claim that he was not guilty because he was just listening to his attorney. Bannon can appeal to the full appeals court and then the US Supreme Court, but the justices previously refused to hear a similar case from Peter Navarro, another former Trump aide. Chief Justice John Roberts, who oversees the DC Circuit, didn’t even take the case to his colleagues. He unilaterally rejected Navarro.

Nichols had previously allowed Bannon to remain free while on appeal but the ruling from the DC Circuit Court of Appeals changed his position. He stated that he no longer believed “the original basis for [his] stay of Mr. Bannon’s sentence exists anymore.”

Bannon attended the hearing in Washington, DC. After the decision, he told reporters he intends to appeal all the way to the high court. He also said that there wasn’t “a prison built or jail built that will shut [him] up.”

David Schoen, Bannon’s attorney, called on House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) to declare the subpoenas issued by the previous Congress invalid. He believes that would help his client as he continues to appeal the conviction.

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